Federal Employment Attorney
Representing Employees Nationally

125 Townpark Drive Suite 300 Kennesaw, GA

Representing U.S. Government employees nationwide

125 Townpark Drive Suite 300 Kennesaw, GA

The Crayon Difference
Federal Lawyer
Coast to Coast Representation of Federal Sector Employment Issues

Federal Sector Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Litigation
Title 7 discrimination, retaliation, harassment, Americans with Disability Act (ADA) violations, Rehabilitation Act violations, Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) violations, failure to promote or hire, discriminatory discipline, and other adverse employment actions for federal employees.
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) Litigation
Wrongful removal/termination, demotion, whistleblower retaliation, USERRA violations, and other adverse employment actions before the MSPB for federal employees.

Federal Court Discrimination Civil
Discrimination lawsuits filed in federal district courts - by both federal and non-federal employees - for wrongful termination, constructive discharge, and other adverse employment actions based on discrimination.